
Monday, October 20, 2014

                                                      The Piano
                                                           ~Part  14

      "An attacking band of wolves!" the newcomer shouted. "Hurry!"
      "Where is Jarow?" was Slerge's first question soon followed by the questions, "Where is everyone? Are they safe? Are the defenses up?" Slerge started toward the entrance of the tunnel. Tom nervously followed him.
      "I don't know where Jarow is but Lorsax sent a fox to look for him. Everyone is safe and the barriers are being put up as we speak."
      "Are the groups in position?"
      "Yes, ready and waiting for command." At the front of the tunnel, the group was met by the largest fox Tom had ever seen. The fox nodded to the messenger who nodded back and ran off. The huge fox turned to Slerge.
      "All defenses are in position and waiting for the signal."
      "Good. Use the standard procedure. And send someone to double check the barriers, Lorsax. We don't want the wolves getting through," Slerge instructed.
     "Yes, sir." Lorsax turned and disappeared through the entrance. Slerge turned back to Delo, Basax, and Tom.
     "Take Tom to your cave. I don't want him getting hurt," Slerge announced. Delo nodded and motioned with his head for Tom to follow. Tom hesitated but then turned and followed Basax. Their short journey ended in a small well-lit cave. At first, Tom was confused about the source of light for no torches or lanterns hung upon the walls. Then, he noticed several small holes emitting beams of sunlight. Tom was about to comment to Delo about the light when a huge, resounding crash shook the walls of the cave!

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