
Monday, October 20, 2014

                                                      The Piano
                                                           ~Part  14

      "An attacking band of wolves!" the newcomer shouted. "Hurry!"
      "Where is Jarow?" was Slerge's first question soon followed by the questions, "Where is everyone? Are they safe? Are the defenses up?" Slerge started toward the entrance of the tunnel. Tom nervously followed him.
      "I don't know where Jarow is but Lorsax sent a fox to look for him. Everyone is safe and the barriers are being put up as we speak."
      "Are the groups in position?"
      "Yes, ready and waiting for command." At the front of the tunnel, the group was met by the largest fox Tom had ever seen. The fox nodded to the messenger who nodded back and ran off. The huge fox turned to Slerge.
      "All defenses are in position and waiting for the signal."
      "Good. Use the standard procedure. And send someone to double check the barriers, Lorsax. We don't want the wolves getting through," Slerge instructed.
     "Yes, sir." Lorsax turned and disappeared through the entrance. Slerge turned back to Delo, Basax, and Tom.
     "Take Tom to your cave. I don't want him getting hurt," Slerge announced. Delo nodded and motioned with his head for Tom to follow. Tom hesitated but then turned and followed Basax. Their short journey ended in a small well-lit cave. At first, Tom was confused about the source of light for no torches or lanterns hung upon the walls. Then, he noticed several small holes emitting beams of sunlight. Tom was about to comment to Delo about the light when a huge, resounding crash shook the walls of the cave!

Monday, October 13, 2014

                                                The Piano
                                                     ~Part 13

      "What?!" Tom exclaimed incredulously. "Why? How?"
      "Apparently, his position of second-in-command isn't enough for Jarow. Nothing less than first will be good enough for him. He appears to have been raising a small force of foxes from within the valley. No one knows when or exactly how he'll do it but we think he'll make his move sometime while Aldero is gone," Delo replied nervously. "He was informing a minion when the fox heard them."
      "So... what are you going to do to stop him?" Tom asked them. Slerge and Delo hesitated. Tom looked from one to another. "You do have a plan, right?" The two foxes hesitated a few seconds more then Slerge quietly shook his head. "But he has to be stopped! He shouldn't be able to do this!" The foxes had no answer to that. Tom groaned. Up until then, Basax, the young fox, had just watched wide-eyed but now he jumped forward.
      "Why do you care? You're not a fox!" he challenged Tom.
      It was Tom's turn to hesitate and think. He scratched his head. Basax prodded him with his nose.
     "Well... I guess, because he's doing wrong. And wrong is wrong no matter whether a fox or a human does it." Tom shrugged. Satisfied, Basax settled into a sitting position.
      "Good answer. Now, do you have a plan?" Basax answered, confident that he would get an answer. Tom shrugged.
      "Well-" Tom was cut off by another black fox charging into the room.
      "Trouble!!" the fox exclaimed fearfully.

Monday, October 6, 2014

                                                          The Piano
                                                                ~Part 12

     "The leader isn't here, a fact I had forgotten." Slerge explained." When he is gone, another fox is in charge."
      "What's so bad about that?" Tom questioned him, confusedly. "Can't we just tell the other fox?"
      Slerge and Delo exchanged a look. "Well, yes. But you'll most probably get a very different answer from what Aldero would say," Delo replied. Tom glanced from Delo to Slerge.
      "Why? Who is the other fox?" Tom asked.
      "He is a unusual fox. Unlike the black foxes,"Delo began. Slerge sighed.
     "He is a dark gray fox named Jarow. He showed up one day 8 years ago, with two cubs that had gone missing earlier. Aldero seemed to take a liking to him. Maybe he felt indebted to Jarow. No one rightly knows but plenty of rumors have circulated. Anyway, Jarow rose up in the ranks until he was second only to Aldero. Right about that time, our little incident with Zaro occured. Aldero seems to believe Zaro will prove a threat to the black foxes so he has gone to request assistance in our 'time of need'. That is where he is now, most likely," Slerge explained.
      "I still don't see why we can't ask Jarow. He doesn't seem like such a bad guy. He did save the cubs, of course," Tom objected. "Aldero even likes him, right? From what I've heard, Aldero doesn't sound bad."
      " Aldero isn't bad," Slerge affirmed. "But, Jarow isn't all Aldero thinks he is. A fox was passing by Jarow's den and overheard Jarow speaking with another fox. Jarow is going to overthrow the leader!"