
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You might have heard a version of this story. But, I bet you haven't heard this version.

                                                        Liars Won't Be Believed

      Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived in a village at the foot of a mountain. Every day, she watched their town's crops because her father had cautiously warned her, "Look out for avalanches because it will ruin the town's crops."
      One boring day, the girl was so bored that she thought she would die. Suddenly and idea popped into her head which had been filled for days with unpractical ideas of what to do. Jumping up and waving her arms frantically, she shouted,
      "Avalanche! Avalanche!" The villagers rushed away to their emergency shelters. The girl laughed so hard she almost burst. When the villagers returned, they were very angry at the girl because of what she did. But the girl promised not to do it again. But, one day, because she was more bored than ever, she jumped up and screamed,
      "Avalanche! Avalanche!" Once again, the villagers rushed away and came back soon, expecting to find rubble and ruined crops but instead a cheerful, laughing girl.
      "Never do that again!" they commanded her, furiously. And she didn't.
      As she was watching the mountain, a booming sound filled her ears, similar to the thick dust which filled her eyes and mouth, causing her to choke.Her terrified scream,"Avalanche! Avalanche! Help!" barely made its way to the villagers. But, because of her pranks, they ignored them.
      "Avalanche! Avala---!" At this, the villagers looked at each other, not sure if it was just a prank. When they spotted a cloud of dust approaching them, they knew it was real. Unable to help her, they instead rushed to their emergency shelters. All except the girl's family, that is. They stayed behind to try and help her. When the villagers returned, the girl and her family were nowhere to be seen.
      One villager remarked,"Just goes to show that you shouldn't lie because no one will believe you and you could die like her!"

                                                                   ~THE END~

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