
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

                                                                  An Object of Magic

          As Katelyn sat drawing, a quick knock on the door signaled the arrival of the mail. Jumping up, she ran to collect it. Once she had it, she carefully sorted it until she came upon a small piece of paper.
                                            ART CONTEST: ALL AGES
                                                Entry fee: $5.00 per artist
                                          Entries must be entered by May 1

         Katelyn rushed to her mom."Mom! Mom! Can I enter?! Please!"
         "Enter what?" her mom laughed.
         "This art contest.Its only five dollars. I'll pay!" Katelyn replied, showing her mom the ad.
         "I guess."
         "Thanks, Mom!" Katelyn hurried to get her drawing equipment.Sitting down at a table, she looked through her artbook, trying to decide which one to submit.
         Eventually, Katelyn realized that she would have to draw a new one. But what should she draw? A pasture with horses? An alien ship abducting humans? A birthday girl blowing out her birthday candles? Katelyn liked to draw animals best so that was what she would draw. Soon the scratching of pencils was all Katelyn heard. A picture of astounding beauty was created as her pencil swept here and there. The beauty was abundant but the talent was a sight to behold! Katelyn sat back and viewed the finished product. A sun shone warmly on a green forest glade. Fan-like leaves seemed to flap in a small breeze.Chipmunks and squirrels chattered in the trees as birds chirped their morning song. A doe and her fawn nibbled the grass as rabbits bounced around them.
            Katelyn stared at her work.
           "I did this?" she whispered, amazed. Her mom came over.
           "Oh, Katelyn! Its, its so... so lifelike and serene!" she breathed.
           Katelyn never submitted her her piece of art but instead put it in a frame on her desk. It was only a decoration to her friends and family, but to herself, it was an object of magic. Every night she dreamed about the fairytale world she had created. She never boasted of it but only said humbly when friends asked,
          "I made it for a contest but I never sent it."

           To this day it sits on her desk.
                                                              ~THE END~


  1. That's great! Keep up the good work!

  2. Absolutely fantastic, my dear girl!! Great job!


    1. Finally! A comment. Thanks. I'll follow your advice.


  3. Wow, good job! Write on! Keep those stories coming. :)
